Voices for Racial Justice

Policy & Research

Building power with and for BIPOC communities through policy, advocacy, and community based research.

We envision a world where BIPOC communities have the tools and power to end systems of oppression. Our work comes from a place of deep relationship, because when we recognize where our communities are most impacted, we can co-create grassroots policy solutions. 

Census, Redistricting, and Democracy: 

We believe that when BIPOC communities are accurately represented, politicians and policies will be more responsive and accountable to our needs. Since 2018, we’ve worked alongside coalition partners and community members to ensure historically undercounted communities would be included in the 2020 census, fairly represented in redistricting, and able to fully participate in our democracy. We have continued this work into 2022 by connecting BIPOC voters with resources to participate in our democracy and grounding in our collective power through storytelling. 

Policy Tools:

Two main tools inform our policy strategy: 

The Racial Equity Impact Assessment (REIA) helps legislators and communities make racially equitable policy decisions by asking key questions before adopting and implementing new policies. Applying this assessment to any policy effort, even if it appears race neutral, is a way to ensure that racial disparities are not exacerbated and that racial equity finally becomes  a core institutional goal. The Racial Equity Impact Assessment prioritizes community engagement throughout policy design and implementation to understand how proposed policies affect communities of color and indigenous communities. See the REIA in action in Minneapolis Public Schools. 

Principles for Authentic Community Engagement is a tool that centers the intentional process of co-creating solutions to racial inequities in partnership with communities of color and indigenous communities. Authentic community engagement is grounded in building relationships based on mutual respect and the acknowledgement of each person’s humanity.